Pause Or Resume A Video Recording Rule

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Recording rules can be paused to stop recording clips, and resumed to begin recording clips again following the rule. You can pause and resume recording rules using the website or app.

Important: For rules that were paused due to the account reaching its clip upload limit, they cannot be re-enabled until the end of the current month.

To pause or resume a video recording rule using the website:

  1. Log into the website.
  2. Click Video.
  3. Click Recording Rules.
  4. Click the toggle switch for the recording rule you would like to make active/paused. If a recording rule reverts back to paused after you enable it, verify that your account has not reached its upload limit.
    • If the switch is grey, the recording rule is paused.

      toggled off little.png

    • If the switch is blue, the recording rule is active.

      Toggled on small.png

To pause or resume a video recording rule using the app:

  1. Log into the app.
  2. Tap Menu.
  3. Tap Video.
  4. Tap Configure.
  5. Tap Recording Rules.
  6. Tap the toggle switch next to the recording rule you would like to pause or resume.  If a recording rule reverts back to paused after you enable it, verify that your account has not reached its upload limit.
    • If the switch is grey, the recording rule is paused.

      toggled off little.png

    • If the switch is blue, the recording rule is active.

      Toggled on small.png

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