View Which User Sent Remote Commands To The System

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When a remote command (i.e., arming/disarming, etc.) is sent from the website or app, the user’s login name that sent the command appears in the activity history. 

It is recommended to create a separate login for each user who is going to be sending remote commands to the system. For more information about creating logins, see Create a new login

For information about navigating to the activity history, see View the system activity history

Example of activity on the website 

The following is an example of how arming/disarming appears in the activity history on the website when it is armed/disarmed remotely versus locally. 

Remote arming Locally arming 
In the following example, the user’s login name sending the remote command is JohnDoeLogin

Activity history_Website_Mobile arming.png

In the following example, the name associated with the user code disarming the system is John Doe

Activity history_Website_Local arming.png

Example of activity on the  app 

The following is an example of how arming/disarming appears in the activity history on the app when it is armed/disarmed remotely versus locally. 

Remote arming Locally arming 
In the following example, the user’s login name sending the remote command is JohnDoeLogin

Activity history_App_Remote arming.png

In the following example, the name associated with the user code disarming the system is John Doe

Activity history_App_Local arming.png

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