View Saved Video

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Saved video from video devices can be viewed and played back from the website or the app. You can find specific clips using the search function.

View the most recent saved video clips

To view saved video using the website:
  1. Log into the website.
  2. Click Video.
  3. Click Saved Video Clips.
  4. Click the desired clip to play it.
To view saved video using the app:
  1. Log into the customer app.
  2. Tap Menu.
  3. Tap Video.
  4. Tap Saved.
  5. Tap Play  on the desired clip to play it.

Search for a specific clip

To find a clip from a specific date and time using the website:
  1. Log into the website.
  2. Click Video.
  3. Click Saved Video Clips.
  4. Using the dropdown menu, verify the correct video devices are selected.
  5. Using the From and To dropdown menus, select the date range you want to search within.

    Note: The website returns a maximum of 500 clips per search. If you are having trouble finding the clip, try narrowing the date range to ensure it appears.

  6. Apply any other desired filters to the search.
  7. Click Search.
Saved video page search filters on the website
User interface Description
All cameras filter.png Using the All cameras dropdown menu, select the cameras to include in the search results.

Clip type filter.png

From left to right:

  • Include protected clips
  • Include unprotected clips
  • Include deleted clips
  • Click the Include protected clips icon to include protected clips in the search results.
  • Click the Include unprotected clips icon to include unprotected clips in the search results.
  • Click Delete to include deleted clips in the search results.

    Note: Once a clip is deleted, the clip cannot be retrieved. Deleted clips will only include summary information about the clip.

Clip dscription filter.png Enter a clip name in the Clip description field to include a specific clip description in the search results.
Clip attribute filter.png Use the dropdown menu to include only clips that were triggered by a specific type of event to the search results.
To find a clip from a specific date and time using the app:
  1. Log into the customer app.
  2. Tap Menu.
  3. Tap Video.
  4. Tap Saved.
  5. Tap Filter.
  6. In Show, tap to select the desired clip date range to include in the search.
  7. Tap to select any other desired search filters:
    • In Cameras, tap to select the desired video device to include in the search.
    • In Clip Trigger, tap to select the desired recording triggers to include in the search.
    • In Description, enter the desired clip name to include in the search.
    • In Protected, tap to select Only protected clips to include them in the search.
  8. Tap Apply.
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