2GIG-GC2 – Alert 360 Touchscreen Security Control Panel

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2gig security control panel that is the brain of the Alert 360 Home security systems

  • Alert 360’s Wireless Security Touchscreen Control Panel is the ‘state-of-the-art’ wall-mounted, full-color, touchscreen that interfaces with the entire security and automation products. It provides easy-to-use keypad functions.
  • Designed for indoor use only, our security control panel gives you the ability to control lights, thermostats, sound system, sprinkler system, door locks, as well as to view the status of every sensor zone
  • This security system can be programmed to communicate with up to four wireless touchscreen keypads. This control panel is often called as the “most reliable communication (security control panel) available in the security industry”

Information on Alert 360’s Wireless Security Control Panels:
A wireless home alarm system is the choice made by almost all new homeowners. The wireless home security systems have greatly increased in popularity due to the eradication of the mass of wires that a security company use to have to install. Alert 360’s wireless control panel will monitor all the details sent to it – up to 60 wireless zones. It has full voice response that will indicate system status, zone descriptions, alarms, and weather emergencies.

Additionally, the 2Gig panel is built on the Z-Wave radio platform which allows it to receive software upgrades and to add-ons such as other smart home automation products like a smart thermostat, appliances, lighting, and door/lock control.

How does the wireless home alarm system actually work?
When a sensor is tripped, say a door or window is open the sensor will send a signal to the control panel unit. On a wireless home alarm system, the signal will be sent via over the air. The Z-wave platform can go through a lot of things like walls. That makes it ideal to be installed following a home has been constructed which wasn’t pre-wired for a home security system.

Alert 360 Wireless home security systems give a homeowner better options on adding on other z-wave security and home automation products to their home with the smallest amount of mess and interruptions to their home’s walls.

The Alert 360 2Gig control panel is recommended to be installed by only a licensed security technician. There is no customer support for unlicensed technicians.

Alert 360 User Guide 2GIG GC2

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