Add A New Geo-Device

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A Geo-Device is a geographically aware mobile device that can be configured to automate home settings and initiate additional notifications based on the location of the Geo-Device relative to your home, office, or other location. 

Enabling Geo-Services in the app will add the mobile device to the website as a Geo-Device.

To enable Geo-Services using the app:

  1. Log into the app.
  2. Tap Menu.
  3. Tap Geo-Services.
  4. Tap the Geo-Services toggle switch to the ON position. This enables Geo-Services on your device and adds the device to the website as a Geo-Device. 

    Note: If unable to toggle Geo-Services on, you may need to enable location services for the app in your phone settings.

    Example of Geo-Service enabled on an iPhone


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