Change The Layout Of The Live Video Page

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For accounts it more than one camera, the layout of the live video page can be reorganized to display four identically sized streams in a grid (2×2), one large stream next to three small streams (1+3), two streams at a time, or a single stream at a time. If you log out of your account, the views revert to the default 2×2 grid.

Note: A maximum of four cameras can displayed at a time. For accounts with more than four cameras, click Collapse or Detailsto view additional stream pages.

 To change the layout of the live video page using the website:

  1. Log into the website.
  2. Click Video.
  3. Select a layout:
    • Click Grid view for a 2×2 grid layout.
    • Click Hybrid right / Hybrid view mobile  for a 1+3 layout.
      • To change which camera view is the largest, mouse over the desired camera view, then click
    • Click temp icon two camera.PNG/temp icone two camera narrow.PNG to only display two streams per page instead of four.
    • Mouse over the desired camera, then click  to see only that camera’s live view.
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