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The thermostat heat setpoint control settings determine the maximum and the minimum selectable temperatures on the thermostat for the Heat mode.
To change thermostat heat setpoint control settings using the website:
- Log into your customer account.
- In the Thermostat card, click
- Click Advanced Configuration.
- Using the dropdown menu, select the desired thermostat.
- Locate the Heat Setpoint setting and click
to change the thermostats maximum and the minimum selectable temperatures while the thermostat is in heat mode.
- Click Save.
To change thermostat heat setpoint control settings using the app:
- Log into the customer app.
- Tap
- Tap Thermostats.
- Tap
- If there are multiple thermostats in your system, tap the name of the thermostat to be adjusted.
- Tap Device Settings.
- Use the Heat Setpoint slider to change the thermostats maximum and the minimum selectable temperatures while the thermostat is in heat mode.
- Tap Apply.