Configure Video For Fire TV

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The for Fire TV app brings a video-focused user experience to the TV. Users can view all of the cameras on the high-definition screens on a user interface optimized for use from the couch.  Up to four simultaneous streams can be viewed on the screen at one time, and if a user has more than four streams, the feeds will rotate out every 10, 20, 30, or 60 seconds, depending on the user’s preferences.


Important: The Amazon Fire TV phone app is separate from the app found on the Fire TV / Fire Stick. Live view functionality is not supported for the Amazon Fire TV phone app. 

  • Two Factor Authentication must be disabled in order to log into the Fire TW app.
  • All hardware and software versions of the Fire TV and Fire Stick are compatible with
  • The Wi-Fi Doorbell cameras cannot be viewed through the Fire TV app at this time.
  • The Fire TV and Fire Stick do not support Two-Way Audio.

    Note: When port forwarding a device that has Two-Way Audio while using a Fire TV or a Fire Stick, disable the microphone and speaker for the camera.

Installing the app

To install the app from a Fire TV or Fire Stick:
  1. Plug the Fire TV Stick into a supported television, and complete the setup wizard. After the instructional video completes, you will be taken to the Fire TV Home Screen.
  2. Using the supplied remote, press left on the remote’s navigation pad until the Search (spotlight) icon is highlighted, then press the Select button.
  3. Using the supplied remote, enter Alarm. Scroll down the list until you see, then press the Select button once it’s highlighted.
  4. In Apps & Games, press to select Video.
  5. Using the supplied remote, press the Select button again to download the Video app.
  6. Once downloaded, press the Select button once more to launch the Video app.
To install the app from a web browser on a computer:
  1. Plug the Fire TV Stick into a supported television, and complete the setup wizard.
  2. Log into your Amazon account.
  3. Mouse over Departments, mouse over Appstore for Android, then click All Apps and Games.
  4. Search Video.
  5. Click Video. This item should appear first in the search results.
  6. Make sure your Fire TV device is selected in the Deliver to: dropdown menu, then click Get App.

    Note: If your Fire TV device is not shown, make sure the Amazon account you are logged into is the same account connected to the Fire TV device.

  7. The Video app will be automatically installed on your Fire TV Stick.

    Note: If you do not see the Video app in your App Library, use the supplied remote to navigate on your Fire TV stick to Settings > My Account > Sync Amazon Content to force the app install.

  8. Select the Video app from your App Library to launch the Video app.

Changing app settings

To refresh a timed-out feed:
  1. Using the supplied remote, press the Menu button.
  2. Press to select Refresh streams. The grid view will appear and all camera feeds will refresh.
To change the camera view rotation frequency time:
  1. Using the supplied remote, press the Menu button.
  2. Press to select Settings.
  3. Press to select the desired camera rotation frequency.
To switch between linked accounts with video devices:
  1. Using the supplied remote, press the Menu button.
  2. Press to select Select account.
  3. Press to select the desired account. 
To lock a camera into position:
  1. Using the supplied remote, navigate to the camera feed to be locked.
  2. Press the Menu button on the remote.
  3. Press to select Lock frame. To unlock, follow the same steps, but press to select Unlock frame.
To log out of the app:
  1. Using the supplied remote, press the Menu button.
  2. Press to select Log out.
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