Create an Onboard Recording Schedule

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Use an SD card in a compatible camera to record video directly from the camera continuously and securely. No additional hardware is required. SD card recorded video can be viewed on the website or app.

To create an Onboard Recording rule using the website:

Note: This rule can only be created when the account has compatible cameras and a service package that supports SD card recording.

  1. Verify that the SD card is inserted into the camera.
  2. Log into the website.
  3. Click Video.
  4. Click Recording Rules.
  5. Click Local Recordings.
  6. Click + Add New Schedule.
  7. Using the Select a camera to record from dropdown menu, select the desired device.
  8. Using the Select recording quality slider, select the desired quality.
  9. In Schedule recording time, click to select either At all times or Only during the following times.
    • If Only during the follow times is selected:
      1. Click to select the desired days to record.
      2. Using the Starting at and Ending at dropdown menus, select the time period to record in hours.
  10. To limit the number of days that recordings are kept:
    1. Click the Limit the number of days to record toggle switch to enable a limit.
    2. Using the dropdown menu, select the desired number of days to limit the recordings to.
  11. Click Save.

For more information about how to view SD card recorded video, see View saved SD card video from a camera

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