Create/Edit An Event-Triggered Lock Automation Rule

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Event-Triggered Lock rules allow you to automatically lock or unlock your doors based on the status of your security system or additional locks. 

To create an event-triggered lock automation rule using the website:

  1. Log into your customer account.
  2. Click Automation.
  3. Click + Add New Rule.
  4. Click Event-triggered Rule.
  5. In the Name of rule field, name the new rule. 
  6. In Automate My, click to select Locks
  7. In When this event occurs, click to select the device that will trigger the lock rule and then use the dropdown menus to specify the conditions of the action.
    • If presented with the option, use the dropdown menu in the Perform this action section to specify the time delay for lock action to be completed.
  8. In Select Devices, click to select the devices that will follow the rule.
  9. In During this time frame, click to select when the rule will be active. 
    • At All Times for the rule to be carried out any time of day.
    • Only during the following times to choose specific days and times that selected devices are automated by the rule.
  10. Verify the rule is configured with the correct settings.
  11. Click Save.

To edit an event-triggered lock automation rule using the website:

  1. Log into your customer account.
  2. Click Automation
  3. Click Edit for the automation rule to be updated. 
  4. Update the event-triggered automation rule as desired. 
  5. Verify the rule is configured with the correct settings. 
  6. Click Save


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