Delete A Video Clip

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Saved video clips can be deleted to make room in the online storage for new clips to be recorded. By default, the oldest saved video clips will be deleted as new ones are recorded after the online storage is full.

Caution: Video clips cannot be retrieved once deleted.

To delete a video clip using the website:

  1. Log into the website.
  2. Click Video.
  3. Click Saved Video Clips.
  4. Click to select the video clips to be deleted.
  5. Click Delete  (Delete selected clips).
To delete multiple video clips at once:
  1. Log into the website. 
  2. Click Video
  3. Click Saved Video Clips
  4. Click Video_checkbox.PNG (Select/deselect all clips) to select all the videos shown on the page. 
    • Up to 48 videos can be selected at once using the Gallery View. Use the Clips per page slider to select the number of videos shown on the page at once. 
    • Up to 100 videos can be selected at once using the List View. Use the Show dropdown menu to select the number of videos shown on the page at once. 
  5. Click Delete  (Delete selected clips). 
To find which user deleted a video clip: 
  1. Log into the website.
  2. Click Video.
  3. Click Saved Video Clips.
  4. Click to select Delete(Include deleted clips).
  5. Click Search.
  6. Mouse over any deleted clip to view which user deleted it. 

To delete a video clip using the app:

  1. Log into the app.
  2. Tap Menu .
  3. Tap Video.
  4. Tap Saved.
  5. Tap the video clips to be deleted.
  6. Tap Delete.
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