Disarm The System Remotely

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The system can be remotely disarmed using the website or app. Disarming the system puts it into a non-alarm state when the location is occupied.

Arming commands.png

To disarm the system using the website:

  1. Log into the website.
  2. In the Security card, click the shield icon that indicates the current arming state.
  3. Click Disarm.

To disarm the system using the app:

  1. Log into app.
  2. In the Security System card, tap the shield icon that indicates the current arming state.
  3. Tap Disarm.

To disarm the system using Scenes:

Scenes allow users to configure a button on the website and app that triggers multiple actions across multiple devices at once. 

  1. Log into the website or app.
  2. In Scenes, select the Scene you want to run that includes the disarm command. 
  3. Confirm that you want to run that Scene. 
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