Export The System Activity History

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Exporting the system activity history is useful for storing key records and gaining new insights for your system. The system activity history can be exported as a .cvs or PDF file using the website. The activity history can display the activity history of the past 60 days or up to 1,000 events. 

Note: Only 1,000 events can be exported at a time. If an activity history contains more than 1,000 events, more filters need to be applied to narrow the scope of the activity history. 

To export the system activity history: 

  1. Log into the website.
  2. Click Activity.
  3. Click to expand Filter
  4. Select any of the following filters to search with: 
    • Using the Search bar to view activity matching specific keywords.
    • Using the Start Date and End Date to view activity within a specified timeframe. 
    • Using the Users dropdown menu to view the activity of specified users. 
    • Using the Device Type dropdown menu to view activity from specific devices.
    • Using the Event Type dropdown menu to view activity from specific events.
    • Using the Device Name dropdown menu to select events observed by specific devices.
  5. Select a date range for the system activity request.
  6. Click Download to download the filtered system activity search as a .cvs file.
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