My Account FAQs

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Use the FAQs below as a guide to accessing and navigating our Customer Portal.

  1. Go to and click “Register here” under “Sign in to Alert 360”
  2. Enter the required information using your invoice and/or security system information
  3. Set a secure, easy-to-remember password
  4. Select “Submit”
  5. You now have access to your Customer Portal, and you will receive an email confirmation
  1. Go to and select “Forgot Password”
  2. Enter your username and select “Change Password”
  3. An email will be sent to the address associated with your account
  4. Open the email and follow the “Complete Your Request” link
  5. Choose “Reset Password”
  6. Enter and confirm your new password and select “Submit”
  7. Your Customer Portal account password is now reset
  1. Visit
  2. There is a drop-down menu at the top of the form
  3. Choose the option most relevant to your request
  4. Confirm your contact information
  5. Enter any additional Comments if necessary
  6. Select “Submit” to complete your request
  7. A customer service representative will be in touch within 24 to 48 hours to complete your request
  1. Log into using your Customer Portal username and password
  2. Select the “Services” menu from the sidebar navigation
  3. Choose the “Insurance Certificate” option
  4. Select “Request Insurance Certificate” to generate your certificate (this may take about 30 seconds)
  5. Select “Download”
  6. Your insurance certificate is now downloaded to your computer and ready to print
  1. Log into using your Customer Portal username and password
  2. Choose the “Make A Payment & View Invoices” quick option on the home page
  3. Make a single, one-time payment by selecting “One Time” under “Make A Payment”
  4. Choose an existing payment method, or “Add New Payment Method”
  5. Enter the amount you would like to pay
  6. Select the invoice(s) you would like to apply this payment to
  7. Choose “Submit”
  8. Once your payment has been successfully submitted, you will receive an email confirmation of the transaction
  1. Log into using your Customer Portal username and password
  2. Select the “Billing” menu on the sidebar navigation
  3. Choose the “Add payment method” option
  4. Choose your payment type
  5. Enter your payment type information
  6. Choose the correct billing address associated with the payment method
  7. Agree to the terms and conditions
  8. Select “Submit” and your new payment method will be available next time you make a payment
  1. Log into using your Customer Portal username and password
  2. Choose the “Make A Payment & View Invoices” quick option on the home page
  3. Select the “Set up Autopay” option under “Make A Payment”
  4. Choose a payment method from the drop-down menu, or “Add a New Payment Method”
  5. Choose a recurring draft day for your automatic payment method
  6. Select “Submit”
  7. Your automatic payment will be drafted on your selected day starting the next billing cycle and will continue monthly on the selected day

View Previous Invoices

  1. Log into using your Customer Portal username and password
  2. Select the “Billing” menu on the left navigation
  3. Choose the “View Invoices” tab from the submenu
  4. Select “Retrieve Invoices” and allow up to 30 seconds for your invoices to populate
  5. View details of past invoices or download your invoices by choosing “PDF”

View Past Payment

  1. Log into using your Customer Portal username and password
  2. Select the “Billing” menu on the sidebar navigation
  3. Choose the “View Payments” tab from the submenu
  4. Select “Retrieve Transactions” and allow up to 30 seconds for your transactions to populate
  5. View your past payment activity details

You can make a payment or download invoices directly within our Customer Portal. Simply create an account, and either set up a new one-time or recurring payment method, or print out your invoice and send it in to the address printed on the invoice.

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