Remotely Change DSC iotega Panel Settings

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Some panel settings can be changed using the app. 

Note: If these options are not available, contact your service provider for more information.

To change panel settings:  

  1. Log into the app.
  2. Tap menu.
  3. Tap Security System.
  4. Tap configure.
  5. Tap the setting to be configured.
  6. Tap the desired value.
  7. Tap Save.

Compatible panel settings:

Setting Description
Chime on Zone Opening The chime will sound each time an appropriately configured zone is opened. 
Chime on Zone Closing The chime will sound each time an appropriately configured zone is closed. 
Panel Internal Siren Enable/Disable the panel siren on the unit.
Internal Buzzer Enable/Disable the internal buzzer.
Partition Chime Turn on/off the partition chime. Download only setting.



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