Remotely Change Interlogix Simon XTi Panel Settings

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Some panel settings can be changed using the app.
Note: If these options are not available, contact your service provider for more information.

To change panel settings: 

  1. Log into the app.
  2. Tap menu.
  3. Tap Security System.
  4. Tap configure.
  5. Tap the setting to be configured.
  6. Tap the desired value.
  7. Tap Save.

Compatible panel settings:

Setting Description
Siren Options – Piezo Beeps Determines whether the panel piezo produces beeps based on system activity
Siren Options – Voice Chime Determines whether the panel announces the sensor name
Siren Options – Speaker Volume Determines the volume of voice messages from the panel speaker
Siren Options – Status Beep Volume Determines the panel piezo volume level for status sounds such as arming, trouble, and status beeps
System Options – 24 Hour Clock Determines whether the system uses a 24 hour clock or a 12 hour clock
Siren Options – Panel Voice Determines whether the panel announces arming level changes
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