Turn Sensor Activity Monitoring On/Off

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Sensor activity monitoring (SAM) allows users to view the current status of the system’s sensors on the website and app.

Once SAM is enabled for sensors, sensor activity notifications can be configured to receive direct notifications about a sensor’s activity via email, text message, or push notification.  

To turn sensor activity monitoring on or off: 

This setting can only be updated using the website. For further assistance, contact your service provider. 

  1. Log into the website.
  2. In the Sensors card, click Details.

    Sensors card detail icon.png

  3. In the Monitoring column, click to select the sensors that should have sensor activity monitoring.

    In the following example, sensors 1 and 3 have SAM enabled, sensor 2 has SAM disabled, and SAM is not available for the fixed panic keypad. 
    Sensor list.png

  4. Click Save.


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