What if I receive a false alarm fine from my city, county or state?

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Alert 360 has no control over how a particular city defines a false alarm or in the determination if a fine is warranted. If you are fined, you may request a review of the circumstance of the fine through Alert 360. You will need to:

  1. Pay the fine. Alert 360 cannot initiate a review of your false alarm if the fine has not been paid.
  2. Send in a copy of the fine and the bill of receipt to prove that is has been paid. These can be either emailed to requests@alert360.com or faxed to 918-491-3193.
  3. After a review process that may take up to two weeks, we will notify you of the results. If the review finds in your favor, a credit will be applied to your account in the full or partial amount of the fine.
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